Monday, September 17, 2007

leaving town...

So...I'm leaving in under two days...weird!
I went to Madison this weekend and did nothing but see people and then cry because I had to leave was fun and wonderful but also a horrible reminder of the time I'll have to go without everyone just down the street. Thanks to everyone who came to say goodbye :>) but :>(
I visited my grandparents today...which was also good but too sad...
this mix of emotions is not a combination I can grasp very well, veeeeerrrry confusing...I just want to leave, I think, and am more than ready to!
I decided that I'm going to get everything packed tonight so I can just get that over with! I actually have too much space, I'm working on trying to fill it up! My big backpack is about 1/3 full of books alone, I don't know what else to fill the space with (I didn't think that this would be a problem but apparently I'm cursed with the weird ability to always pack far too light) Tonight I'm visiting my swim coach at the pool during practice and having ice cream with a Wausau friend...then tomorrow I'm doing NOTHING since it will be the last time for a long time that this will be possible!
Also, I feel awkward writing on this Blog, I don't know what to say unless I have some exciting story to tell...I've never been very good at keeping a journal...I prefer pictures. I guess I'll have to figure out how to get pictures on here to tell my stories for me!

1 comment:

Dad said...


We sure are going to miss you, but I have to keep telling myself that we raised you independent and that you certainly are. You are as well intelligent, sincere, funny, beautiful, loyal, friendly . . . I could put many others words to describe you but I'll just say "you're a hell of a daughter" & one of the best people I know.
Take care.